I’ve been meaning to blog this rather magical Siren of the Sea session for ages! But in the whirlwind that was this summer, I didn’t get around to it until now!
Rose wanted the photo shoot to showcase her physicality and strength as a dancer, so she really gave a LOT during the session. At times I was simply mesmerised by her movement and had to remind myself to take pictures, and on a few occasions, I had to force myself to keep my eyes open and not whimper (too much) when Rose was jumping on the edge of a cliff!
While we weren’t blessed with good weather (it was drizzling throughout!) I still think these are some of the most magical portraits I’ve ever taken. The backdrop of Cornwall is so majestic and rugged, matching Rose’s wild abandon twirl for twirl.
I really hope some of the magic is transported to you via these images! Rose’s goldilocks hair was styled by Severin Hepburn of Hepburn Collection.
Victoria Christophe says
Completely amazing from beginning to end! And your pictures are amazing as usual marianne. Thanks for sharing
Adrian says
Wow, what an incredible set of images and what a dancer! And yes, that cliff looks scary!
Farhad Massoudi says
Fantastic. Shooting under cloudy condition is always difficult due to depth of filed and shutter speed. I am always trying to convince myself not to add extra contrast to photos when gray sky forces to open one or two stops.You did nice job done.